June 2021 Newsletter: Going Back In Soon!

Good News!
We're going back to prison.

RP is one of the first organizations to be invited back in as things are opening up. We will deliver our flagship 2-day "ART of Being Human" workshop for the Take TWO program at Buena Vista Correctional Facility in July. This is a big deal for us! Not just because it will be our first time back in a correctional facility in over a year, but because the Take TWO program is one of DOC Executive Director Dean Williams’ prized initiatives.

Take TWO (Transitional Work Opportunity) Reentry Program is for incarcerated individuals to have an opportunity to work for employers and earn a prevailing or marketable wage with an end goal to live in a non-prison environment within the community. It is designed around normality and progression - values which Mr. Williams holds at
the forefront for Colorado DOC.

We look forward to working with the men selected for this premier program and demonstrating how crucial the pro-social, communication and relational skills taught in RP workshops are to assuring inmates’ success in the workplace and beyond. This opportunity will make our work visible to the highest decision-makers within the system.

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Welcome Belle, Our First Fair Chance hire!

From the beginning, our vision has been to incorporate justice-involved RP graduates into the greater organization after their release from prison, both as co-facilitators in prison and behind the scenes. In May, JoyBelle Phelan was hired as our first formerly incarcerated employee, bringing this vision into reality! Belle wowed us at La Vista women’s prison in 2019 with her passion, dedication and many talents. JoyBelle is utilizing her lived experience, excellent writing and speaking skills, exceptional networking abilities and her vision to serve incarcerated people to create the RP Graduate Program. She's already brought incredible insight and creativity and we feel blessed to have her on the team. Get a better feel for Belle and her story on this recent podcast.

RP Trains Fair Chance Company

Realness Project recently trained the management team of L&R Pallet, a Denver-based manufacturing company. L&R is a truly unique manufacturing firm (how many pallet companies do you know that talk about love as a key part of their mission?) dedicated to providing job opportunities to some of the most marginalized groups in society. L&R recently launched a program to onboard previously incarcerated individuals and brought RP in to bolster their ability to serve this new population, cultivate an integrative relational culture, and make the transition as smooth and skillful as possible for all. Find out more about our work with Fair Chance Hiring companies here.

New 5 Month Leadership Program

The "Communication, Conflict Management, and Relational Leadership Training" program (CCRLT), is a five-month training program for incarcerated people, with ongoing support available through the RP Graduate Program. With the goal of igniting dignity in mind, this comprehensive training program is designed to enable inmates to learn healthy communication skills, practice anger and conflict management, and to experience being a relational leader with their kids, community, and cohort.

We'll be kicking off this results-based monitored pilot program at both La Vista Correctional Facility and a men’s facility still TBD as soon as we get inside clearance and funding. Please help us successfully launch this powerful new initiative with your much needed contribution! A monthly donation of any size would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support of Realness Project!


Empowering Human Connection


Boulder-based Realness Project helping inmates during pandemic