ARI 2020 Blast Off

In this newsletter, we celebrate the amazing year we had at Authentic Relating International in 2019 – and the remarkable depth of transformation and healing that is possible when we come together to harness the tools of this practice. As 2020 revs up, we are both humbled and inspired… and incredibly excited for all we have planned for this year.

Since our inception in June 2018, The ART of Being Human has been delivered 22 times in 7 prisons across Colorado.

And the response has been remarkable! "This is the first time in prison I've felt like a human being instead of a number," said a recent participant. Most of these inmates will be getting out at some point, and with our help, they will be leaving with dignity.

We couldn’t do this without your support!

And we're grateful.



Our goals for 2020 include:

  • Continue transforming prison cultures across the state by training 600 more incarcerated men and women

  • Train at least 100 more correctional staff

  • Partner with more local organizations like Second Chance Center

  • Evaluate the efficacy of our program using evidenced-based research with Territorial Correctional Center

  • And so. much. more!

Though we’d love to be able to say we have this all in the bag, the truth is . . .we need your continued help.

Another truth is that asking for financial support is still a growth edge for us. But our hope – that you will be inspired to support us to help us reach these goals — far outweighs any reservations we have about asking. :)

So how can you help?



SAVE THE DATE: ARI Fundraiser on May 14th

We will host our first in-person fundraising event in Boulder at Rembrandt Yard on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The event will feature a presentation by a formerly incarcerated person, auction items, music and dancing, Authentic Relating games, and a new ARI video. More details to come!

Zoom Calls with Program Graduates

Since July 2019, ARI facilitators have been hosting bi-weekly Zoom calls with The ART of Being Human graduates inside Rifle (men's) and La Vista (women's) correctional facilities as a means for integrating the material learned during the two-day course, providing an opportunity for them to share how they are using the tools and ask for support.

To our knowledge, this is the first time ever that men and women behind bars are able to see each other and interact in real time in this way. The Zoom calls have also served as a means to help new volunteers hone their facilitation skills, and provide an opportunity to bring on experienced guest facilitators who are not able to visit the prisons directly.

ARI Featured at Monthly Wardens Meeting

On January 16, ARI's Executive Director Laurie Lazar and Course Leader David Wood presented an experiential taste of Authentic Relating and ARI's work to 15 wardens from prisons across Colorado and DOC executive management. It was very well received, with several wardens expressing interest in bringing ARI's programs into their prisons, both for inmates and for staff. Already since then, there are a few balls in motion towards that end.

Click on the photo to view the Facebook Live video and hear some of Laurie and David's impressions directly after the meeting.

Rehumanize NOW Campaign

ARI launched its Rehumanize NOW campaign in mid November of 2019 to raise awareness and funding for our mission. People behind bars are subject to stigma and isolation – they are damned by society. We believe that understanding, empathy and connection are key to restoring a sense of self-worth and for reversing the cycle of recidivism. So far, we have raised about $17.5K and are aiming to raise $12.5K more to help train 600 more people behind bars and 100 more correctional staff, as well as extend our program to underserved communities beyond the correctional system.

First Simultaneous Prison Trainings

For the first time ever on November 19-20, 2019, ARI facilitated The ART of Being Human at both the Buena Vista Men's Correctional Facility and the La Vista Women's Correctional Facility in Pueblo, Colorado. Also marking a first, both ARI teams filmed Facebook lives at various times throughout the two days to capture their experiences, sharing what most touched them.

While facilitators Laurie Lazar and Jahmaya Kessler led the charge, several of the volunteers also led sections of the program for the first time. ARI is ramping up its facilitator training to meet the soaring program demand. From all accounts by participants at both facilities, the programs were deemed a big success!

New Podcast Episode Featuring ARI

In this podcast, ART International Co-Founder Jason W Digges interviews Authentic Relating International (ARI) Executive Director Laurie Lazar about ARI's mission.

They discuss:
- How Laurie first got involved with Authentic  Relating, and later, bringing it to jails and prisons
- Her first experience at the Boulder County Jail
- Story of how ARI's training helped stop a prison riot
- Story about race tensions being transcended
- ARI's fast expansion and ARI's long term vision


"This course is exactly what is going to keep people out of prison and keep them in a healthier lifestyle. For me it’s emotional intelligence – getting in touch with how I feel because I would always just suppress those things until they would erupt like a volcano. Being able to relate to another person also means that I’m not going to have an outburst on them, but I’m also not going to let them take advantage of me either. We can feel that connection that we’re all unique and amazing, deep people. And to put those assumptions (that we have about each other) out the window.~ Connor

"My message to a warden of any other prison would be… I’ve done many classes and this one is ultimately the best one. I’ve done a whole year at CMRC – it’s all positive; turn criminal thinking errors into positive ones – but in this class, we’re interacting with one another, getting to know one another. The interaction, the role playing, it prepares you for out there. This is phenomenal. This class is going to rehabilitate [us].” ~ Brian

"The way you believe so strongly in what you teach is inspiring. You probably don't realize it, but you really made an impact on me. I've put into practice what I've learned, especially in my relationships, and it's amazing how some things that seem so simple have made such a world of difference in them." ~ Anonymous

I wish I would've had the opportunity to go through your workshop years ago. I want you to know I feel lucky and blessed to have met you and Laurie. I appreciate you – who you are, the work you're doing, and the difference you made in my life." ~ D.B.


Prison Tough Conversations with Laurie Lazar


A Woman Gains Confidence and Insight in Prison