Welcome Graduates of ART International!
Realness Project, a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit, was originally created in partnership with ART International. Our vision is to provide access to authentic relating tools and skills to marginalized people.
Become a Corporate Sponsor
If you are a socially conscious entrepreneur who wants to be our ally, and partner with us to create an army of Relational Leaders inside and outside of prisons, please be reach out.
The Realness Project is making a huge impact in the world of incarceration. Human connection is the key to true rehabilitation. Your financial support makes it possible.
We have a small dedicated staff that has a long to do list. We need all hands on deck to expand human connection in the world. If you have a talent or passion for something in particular let us know!
Connect Us to Others
If you know of organizations or businesses who sponsor non-profits in any capacity, we would appreciate an introduction.
Tell Your Friends
If you are like us, once you found AR you wanted to tell everyone you know about it! Please do the same for Realness Project. The more people who know about us, the more inmates we can share this work with, and the more good we can do.
Go to Prison With Us
There are a lot of reasons we love partnering with ART International, but a big one is that we have access to YOU. We welcome you to reach out and see if we are currently looking for people to go into prisons with us. We take Level 1 Graduates and above to come help us run our programs behind bars. Course Leaders are paid for their time, support team members are volunteers.
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